State of World Population Report
Nearly half of women in 57 developing countries are denied the right to decide whether to have sex with their partners, use contraception or seek health care, according to UNFPA...
This brief explores the work of the UN in Eritrea to complement the government’s efforts to promote gender equality and women's empowerment. It sets out recomme...
Annual Report
In 2018, we at UNFPA set in motion a strategic effort, based on quality data, to achieve three zeros by 2030: zero unmet need for contraception; zero preventable maternal deaths; a...
State of World Population Report
Fifty years ago, it was hard for women to obtain contraception and relatively easy to die giving birth. Many women were unable to decide whom and when to marry, and when or whether...
State of World Population Report
Not so long ago, most people had large families: five children, on average. Where once there was one global fertility rate, today there are many, with differences wider than at any...
This document provides a country profile for Eritrea, government priorities, the previous country programme, and the proposed country programme for 2017-2021.