
UNFPA Eritrea Annual Report 2022

UNFPA Eritrea Annual Report 2022

Good progress being made

Good progress being made

The year 2022 saw many changes; notably, we celebrated the global population reaching 8 billion. This landmark demographic moment is a testament to our capacity as humans for development.

This is no small feat but despite all our progress, in areas of the world where some of these factors are considered a luxury, the prevalence of family planning, preventable maternal deaths, gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful traditional practices (HTP) against women and girls is still very present. UNFPA Eritrea Country Office continues to challenge the status quo, striving for a world where the needs of women and girls are met, a world free of GBV and HTP, and a world where mothers don’t have to die unnecessarily due to a lack of care and health facilities.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Government of the State of Eritrea and our partners for their continued support each year.

Mr. Keita Ohashi, UNFPA Representative

Key figures

Results Recommendations


girls and women received information on prevention and/or protection services and care related to female genital mutilation

Results Recommendations


child girls are protected from exposure to FGM and other harmful practices

Results Recommendations


households reached through partnerships on elimination of traditional harmful practices

Results Recommendations


total couple-years of protection for contraceptives procured by UNFPA, including condoms

Results Recommendations


communities made public declarations to eliminate harmful practices, including child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation

Results Recommendations


women and girls living with obstetric fistula received treatment during the year with the financial support from UNFPA

Results Recommendations


anaesthetists have been deployed in the country as part of the South-South cooperation

Chapter 1



  • International Fistula Day and Midwifery Day

    The International Day to End Obstetric Fistula and the International Midwifery Day events, organized under the leadership of the Ministry of Health with support from UNFPA Eritrea, were commemorated on the 13th of June 2022. The event started with a parade organized by the community and students marching in the street to highlight the devastating impact of obstetric fistula and other harmful practices. The event was organized in Mendefera, Zoba Debub, where the Governor and the Zoba Medical Director gave their welcoming remarks followed by presentations on the situation of obstetric fistula and the state of midwifery in Eritrea from the historical perspective of promoting successful practices and celebrating achievements, while recognizing gaps and discussing the way forward. The presentations gave the opportunity to raise awareness and build support in the community to end harmful practices such as FGM and underage marriage, and encourage skilled birth attendance and other good health practices.

  • Support to respond on the impact of drought affecting maternal health

    As part of the joint resource allocations from the CERF, UNFPA received $170,000 in conjunction with the nutrition support geared towards the vulnerable groups affected by drought. In collaboration with UNICEF, the grant was used to procure essential food supplies, which were distributed to 17 maternity waiting homes in three zobas and reached .... number of beneficiaries, alleviating the challenges faced and increasing skilled birth attendance.

  • Resource mobilization to address cervical and breast cancer and support to the national HPV vaccine campaign

    UNFPA was able to mobilize some funds from Canada to support the capacity building to address cervical and breast cancer in response to the support in addressing cervical and breast cancer. HPV vaccine was conducted nationally for the first time to girls ages 9-15 years of ages and UNFPA supported with logistical transport.

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  • RMNCAH/HA Strategic Plan 2022-2026

    UNFPA Eritrea has been present at the meetings regarding the Validation of eMTCT of HIV and Syphilis. The Global plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive provided the foundation for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission efforts. The plan focused on a series of specific policy and programmatic measures that countries took to ensure rapid progress towards elimination of new HIV infections in children by 2015. A key consideration for validation of a country for eliminating mother to child transmission of HIV and syphilis is that the interventions to reach the targets have been implemented in a manner consistent with international, regional and national human rights standards. These standards include human rights in relation to autonomy in decision making, informed consent, respect of privacy and confidentiality, freedom from violence, abuse and coercive practices and meaningful participation.

“I was just 15 years old when I got married and became a victim of fistula when I turned 17. I was in a bad shape when I first got here for fistula repair. I was unable to toss and turn in my own bed and I have bad feelings every time I recall those dreadful days. Now, I’m doing much better and I would like to thank all those who contributed to restore me back to health. I thank you.”

Sead Omer – Fistula Survivor

“I had fistula while delivering my first baby at home. I quickly came to the hospital for treatment in 2021 and Dr. Habte performed the surgery on me. Now I’m expecting my second baby after the surgery.”

Rahma Ibrahim – Fistula Survivor

“I was just 14 when I got married. I was pregnant and delivered a stillborn baby in Mahmimet. It has been seven years since I suffered from obstetric fistula. I was treated for fistula at the National Fistula Repair Centre in Mendefera. I’m doing fine now and am even able to go home. Although less frequent now, I do return to the hospital for further treatment. I’m happy to say that I am almost done with my surgeries.”

Jemat Salih - Fistula Survivor

"I am Head of the Fistula Treatment Ward at the Mendefera Referral Hospital. I have been working here for over 16 years. Besides fulfilling the oath I have made when I became a nurse, the care I give to the patients of the Fistula Ward is driven by compassion. During my work here, I have seen a lot of problems that many of the young girls and women have had to pass through because of Fistula. These girls and women that come here have been subject to various social, physiological and physical challenges. They come here short of confidence and with a defeated attitude. Therefore, our first objective is to help them change the way they think of themselves. Introducing them to other patients at the ward has helped improve their confidence within a few days. This is only a small portion of the work that we do here and we have managed to restore to health many girls and women of Eritrea."

Sister Yirgealem Isack - Head of the Fistula Treatment Ward at the Mendefera Referral Hospital



Support the health system through procurement of commodities and life-saving drugs ensuring the system does not face no stock-out through the year. Commodities procured and handed over to the MOH guaranteeing the last mile assurance.




  • 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

    UNFPA in collaboration with the NUEW and other UN Agencies organized this year’s 16 Days Commemoration event, which was held under the themes “Unite to End Violence Against Women” & “Unite to a Sustained Peace”. Among the attendees were Mr. Tesfai Gebresalasie, Minister of Land Water & Environment and Ms. Fawzia Hashim, Minister of Justice. Mrs. Senait Mehari who stood in for Mrs. Tekea Tesfamichael (NUEW President) started off the commemoration event by thanking the health personnel who have been working through the COVID-19 pandemic and by taking a moment to remember those who lost their lives to it.

  • FGM Free Communities

    The government partners in the fight to eliminate FGM from Eritrea, namely Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Labour & Social Welfare (MOLSW) and the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW), have been working tirelessly for the elimination of FGM, early marriage and other harmful traditional practices. In line with this, some communities in zoba Anseba have been cleared as ready to denounce the practice based on the mapping exercise conducted in 2016-18 and 2020 as supported by both UNFPA and UNICEF. Thus, 70 villages of zoba Anseba in sub zobas of Halhal and Adi Teklezan organized their declaration to match with the date of FGM Zero tolerance day which is annually commemorated on February 6.

  • International Women’s Day

    International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day celebrated annually on March 8 to commemorate the cultural, political, and socioeconomic achievements of women. It is also a focal point in the women’s rights movement, bringing attention to issues such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence and abuse against women. IWD became a mainstream global holiday following its adoption by the United Nations in 1977. Since then the IWD has been celebrated under different themes. The 2022 theme for the day was “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow”. In Eritrea, IWD has been celebrated since the struggle for independence in the 1970s in recognition of the women who have contributed no less than men for the liberation struggle and the independence that was gained in 1991. To magnify more women’s rights and contributions to the struggle, the National Union of Eritrean Women (NUEW) was established during the period of struggle for independence back in 1979. Thus, the IWD, March 8 is celebrated colourfully at national level every year to remember women’s contribution.

Other Missions

HACT – Harmonised approach to cash transfer training to partners

The HACT framework represents a common operational (harmonized) framework for transferring cash to government and non-governmental Implementing partners. The objective of the HACT framework is to support a closer alignment of development aid with national priorities and to strengthen national capacities for management and accountability. Accordingly, in order to enhance the financial management capacity of the implementing partners and ensure a common operational framework using the same consistent, standardized approach and tools, UNFPA Eritrea organized a HACT training along with UNICEF and UNDP to the Ministry of National Development staff. The training focused on assurance activities, overall management of Cash transfer and the related cash transfer modalities. Twenty-three IP staff members attended the training and the training was well received by the

Eastern and Southern Africa’s Regional Directors visit to Eritrea.

A team of 25 Regional Directors (RDs), their deputies and/or representatives and senior officials from different UN entities visited the country from 24-28 January 2022. The visit was organized upon the invitation of the Government of the State of Eritrea (GoSE), in partnership with the United Nations Resident Coordinator and the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Eritrea.

The high-level engagement was consistent with the UN’s repositioning under the Secretary-General’s reforms of the United Nations Development System with emphasis on the need “to recalibrate and operate a stronger, trusted, reliable, cohesive, accountable and effective and fit-for-purpose partner to the Government in the 2030 Agenda”.


  • World Aids Day

    The World Aids Day commemoration was started by a General Knowledge contest that took place in Orota Referral Hospital on the 19th of November. High school students competed on questions related to HIV/AIDS. The winners of which were rewarded on the 1st of December after a series of presentations and speeches including some by UNAIDS Country Representative Madam Therese U. Poirier and Sister Nighisty Tesfamichael, Head of HIV/AIDS & STD control unit. There was also an interview by professionals on the “Doctors in Studio” program. UNFPA Eritrea contributed to the production of brochures containing information on HIV/AIDS which were translated into the nine ethnic languages and distributed to the Sawa training center and other schools.

  • World Population Day

    The population hit 8 billion on the 15th of November 2022. “World Population Day offers a moment to celebrate human progress. Our world, despite its challenges, is one where higher shares of people are educated and live healthier lives than at any previous point in history. Societies that invest in their people, in their rights and choices, have proven time and again that this is the road to the prosperity and peace that everyone wants—and deserves. We are each much more than a number, as is the human family. Numbers matter, but let’s count carefully. A resilient world of 8 billion, a world that upholds individual rights and choices, offers infinite possibilities – possibilities for people, societies and our shared planet to thrive and prosper.” Dr. Natalia Kanem